Posle duže pauze na radost svih na scenu Firchie Think Tank Studia 03.decembra u 20h vraća se Rale Milenković sa kultnom monodramom NAŠI DANI.
Kroz imaginarno putovanje koje glavni lik preduzima u naporu da se, nakon dugogodišnjeg izgnanstva vrati u svoju otadžbinu, on se susreće sa predstavnicima vlasti i postaje učesnik i svedok rasula i propasti svih segmenata društva. A najdramatičniju promenu glavni junak doživljava kada se u preispitivanju nacionalnih mitova suočava sa razarajućom istinom koja poništava idealizovanu (i mitomansku) sliku zemlje njegovih predaka.
Radoslav Milenković u ovoj predstavi igra više od trideset likova.
Kombinacijom bravuroznog verbalnog plana i snažne fizičke ekspresije, potpomognute pantomimom, žanrovski oslonjene na raznovrsna sredstva pučkog pozorišta, farse, groteske, komedije dell’arte i kabarea, ostvarena je predstava koja je ovenčana brojnim nagradama u prethodnih trideset godina, i koja je svojom savremenošću i angažovanošću u potpunosti korespondirala sa svojim savremenicama.
Ulaznice možete kupiti na svim prodajnim mestima sistema GIGS TIX.
Pretprodaja: 400 dinara
Na ulazu: 500 dinaraAfter a long pause for the joy of everyone on the scene of Firchie Think Tank Studia on December 20 at 20h, Rale Milenkovic returns with the cult monodrama OUR DAYS.
Through an imaginary journey taken by the lead figure in an effort to return to his homeland after years of exile, he meets with government officials and becomes a participant and the witness breaks down all segments of society. And the most dramatic change is experienced by the main character when he is confronted with a devastating truth in the examination of national myths that reverses the idealized (and mythical) image of the country of his ancestors.
Radoslav Milenkovic plays more than thirty characters in this show.
By combining the bravurous verbal plan and powerful physical expression, supported by the pantomime, genre relying on the diverse means of folk theater, farsi, grotesque, dell’arte and cabaret comedy, a performance that has been enveloped by numerous awards in the past thirty years has been realized, and with its modernity and engaging fully with his contemporaries.
You can purchase tickets at all GIGS TIX system sales points.
Pre-selling: 400 dinars
At the entrance: 500 dinars