Ne znam ko je kako planirao doček Nove Godine, ali znam kako smo mi isplanirali ispraćaj Stare.
Imamo penjanje, imamo žurku, imamo Deda Mraza i Baku Mrazicu (i male mraziće), imamo lutriju, imamo muziku, iće i piće, zabavu, veselo društvo… bre – mi “ Železničari“ imamo SVE !!
Dakle: u subotu. 23. decembra sedamo u bus i idemo..negde…
Kada stignemo u negde i smestimo se udobno, navlačimo opremu i (pošto smo mi planinari) odmah idemo da se malo penjemo (malo baš i nije prava reč, ali ‘ajde), grudvamo, pravimo Sneška i naravno – slikamo do besvesti.
Po povratku u Dom, stavljamo na sebe kravate, crvene kapice sa svetlećim zvezdicama i džempere sa irvasima i aktivno učestvujemo u večeri, igri, pesmi i opštem veselju. Odmah da se razumemo: na repertoaru nema Jeca, nema Ceca (a ni Cecina deca) – samo iz razloga bezbednosti – da nam ne bi divlje zverke bile padobranci na žurci :-D..
Ko poslednji legne da spava, obavezno pere sudove i pokriva one koji već hrču.
Narednog jutra, u nedelju, ispunjavamo želje – ko hoće da se opet penje – ima da se penje, ko neće – može da spava i počisti kuću od žurke (pa vi sad vidite šta je bolje 😀 ).
Popodne krećemo nazad kući.
Ee, da..nismo rekli gde idemo.
Pa to je kao iznenađenje…
Ali, u poverenju, ako rešite rebus – onda ne samo da ste pametni nego znate i gde idemo a mi vam nismo ništa rekli.
Cena prevoza, smeštaja, večere je 1850,00 dinara.
Prijave počinju sada i traju do kraja novembra (ili kraće ako se popune sva raspoloživa mesta). Možete se prijaviti na redovnim sastancima Kluba (sredom od 19 časova u prostorijama stare Sofke), ili kod Lidije Mišić (063 572270), Nine Stanković (063/354229) ili Dikice Canić (064/2368712)
Učešće u ovoj akciji je na sopstvenu odgovornost, u skladu sa Pravilnikom o bezbednosti i odgovorsnosti PSS. Po uplati novac se ne vraća osim ako se ne nađe odgovarajuća zamena. Vodiči zadržavaju pravo izmene programa ,satnice odlaganja ili otkazivanja događaja u slučaju nepredviđenih okolnosti o čemu će učesnici biti blagovremeno obavešteni.SURPRISE
I do not know who planned the New Year’s Eve, but I know how we planned for the Old City.
We have climbing, we have a party, we have Santa Claus and Grandma’s Claus
(and little chicks), we have a lottery, we have music, we also have drinks, fun, cheerful society ….. “ Railways “ we have ALL !!
So: on Saturday. On December 23 we sit in the bus and we go … now …
When we get to somewhere and we settle down comfortably, we are loading the equipment and (as we are mountaineers), we immediately go to sleep (a little, it’s not really the right word, but ‘let’s go’), we climb, we make Sneška and of course –
Upon returning to the Home, we put on our ties, red caps with shiny stars and sweaters with irks and we actively participate in dinner, games, songs and general joy. Immediately to be understood: there is no Jeca on the repertoire, there is no Ceca (and even Cecina’s children) – only for security reasons – not to be wild boars were parachutists at the party: – D ..
When the last legs are sleeping, he must wash the dormitories and cover those who are already crippling.
The next morning, on Sunday, we meet the wishes – who wants to climb again – has to climb, who will not – can sleep and clean the party from the party (so now you see what is better :-D).
We go back home in the afternoon.
Hey, yes … we did not say where we were going.
Well, that’s like a surprise …
But, in the confidence, if you solve the rebus – then you are not only smart, but you know where we are going and we have not told you anything.
The price of transportation, accommodation, dinner is 1850.00 dinars.
Applications start now and last until the end of November (or shorter if all available places are filled). You can apply for regular meetings of the Club (Wednesday at 7 pm in the rooms of the old Sofka) or by Lidija Mišić (063 572270), Nina Stanković (063/354229) or Dikice Canić (064/2368712)
Participation in this action is at your own risk, in accordance with the PSS Safety and Responsibility Rulebook. After payment, money is not returned unless an appropriate replacement is found. The Guides reserve the right to change the program, the timing of the delay or cancellation of events in case of unforeseen circumstances, about which the participants will be informed in a timely manner.