Legendarna grupa Plavi orkestar nastupit će 17.2.2018. u Zagrebu u sklopu velike regionalne turneje Everblue!
Glasine su se pokazale istinitima! Najveća koncertna atrakcija na području bivše zajedničke države, grupa Plavi orkestar, na veliko veselje mnogih obožavatelja, ponovo će nastupiti u Zagrebu. U okviru velike regionalne turneje »Everblue«, nakon spektakularnih nastupa u Sarajevu i Beogradu, gdje ih je vidjelo preko 100.000 obožavatelja, objavili su dva nova datuma:
15. veljače 2018. Ljubljana – Arena Stožice
17. veljače 2018. Zagreb – Dom sportova
Zadnji put su »Plavci« na velikom samostalnom koncertu u Zagrebu nastupili prije sedam godina (ožujak 2010.) i publici u Areni osigurali pravi spektakl. Plavi orkestar nije samo bend koji nam već više od tri desetljeća donosi dobru glazbu, nego je pravi fenomen, duboko usidren u glazbenu pop kulturu ovih prostora.
Kroz plodove proteklog rada Plavci i dalje uživaju neupitnu popularnost, a nizom hitova, poput »Od rođendana do rođendana«, »Suada«, »Bolje biti pijan nego star«, »Ako su to samo bile laži«, «Sava tiho teče«, »Goodbye Teens«, »Kaja«, »Odlazim« i mnogih drugih, osigurali su da se fenomen kultne skupine, koja je već doživjela nekoliko glazbenih vrhunaca, nastavi i danas.
Kritičari smatraju da je bend jedan od najvećih kulturnih fenomena osamdesetih i devedesetih godina prošlog stoljeća, i danas blizak starijim i mlađim generacijama.
Plavci su do sada izdali 8 albuma koji su prodani u ukupnoj nakladi od preko 5 milijuna primjeraka, a svijet su obišli već nekoliko puta uz više od 4500 održanih koncerata.
Ulaznice za zagrebački koncert kreću u prodaju od ponedjeljka, 16. Listopada u sustavu Eventima i putem eventim.hr. Sasvim je sigurno da će se za koncert Plavog orkestra tražiti ulaznica više, pa nemojte propustiti prigodu da ih osigurate na vrijeme!
– Fan Pit:
95kn do 16.11. / 115kn do 31.12. / 135kn do 17.02.
– Parter:
80kn do 16.11. / 95kn do 31.12. / 115kn do 17.02.
– Tribina:
100kn do 16.11. / 115kn do 31.12. / 130kn do 17.02.
– VIP:
170kn do 16.11. / 190kn do 31.12. / 210kn do 17.02.
– Eventim: https://goo.gl/HAHCvJ
– Dirty Old Shop (Tratinska 18, zg)
– Dallas Records (Paromolnska 49/1, zg)
– Rockmark (Berislavićeva 9, zg)
– Dallas Music Shop Rijeka (Splitska 2)
– http://www.eventim.hr/hr/
Dallas Records (official page)
* Broj Early Bird Ulaznica je LIMITIRAN i prodaja ide ili do rasprodaje kontigenta ili do 16.11.The legendary group Blue Orchestra will perform on February 17, 2018. in Zagreb as part of a large regional Everblue tour!
Rumors have proved to be true! The biggest concert attraction on the territory of the former Commonwealth, the Blue Orchestra group, to the great cheerfulness of many fans, will reappear in Zagreb. As part of the great Everblue regional tour, after spectacular appearances in Sarajevo and Belgrade, where over 100,000 fans saw them, they released two new dates:
February 15, 2018 Ljubljana – Arena Stožice
February 17, 2018 Zagreb – Dom sportova
Last time, „Plavci“ performed at a large solo concert in Zagreb, performed seven years ago (March 2010) and the audience in the Arena provided a real spectacle. The Blue Orchestra is not just a band that has been producing good music for over three decades but is a true phenomenon deeply rooted in the music pop culture of these spaces.
Through the fruits of past work, Plavci continue to enjoy unparalleled popularity, with a number of hits such as „From birthday to birthday“, „Suada“, „Better to be drunk than old,“ „If they were just lies,“ „Sava flows quietly, „Goodbye Teens,“ „Kaja,“ „I’m leaving,“ and many others, have ensured that the phenomenon of the cult group, which has already experienced several musical tops, continues today.
Critics believe that the band is one of the greatest cultural phenomena of the eighties and nineties of the last century, still close to older and younger generations.
So far, Plavci has released 8 albums that have been sold in over 5 million copies worldwide, and the world has been browsing several times with over 4500 concerts.
Tickets for the Zagreb Concert are on sale from Monday, October 16th in Eventim Event and via eventim.hr. It is quite certain that the Blue Orchestra concert will require more tickets, so do not miss the chance to provide them in time!
– Fan Pit:
95kn to 16.11. / 115kn to 31.12. / $ 135 to 17.02.
– Parter:
80kn to 16.11. / 95kn to 31.12. / 115kn to 17.02.
– Tribina:
100kn to 16.11. / 115kn to 31.12. / 130kn to 17.02.
– VIP:
170kn to 16.11. / 190kn to 31.12. / 210kn to 17.02.
– Eventim: https://goo.gl/HAHCvJ
– Dirty Old Shop (Tratinska 18, zg)
– Dallas Records (Paromolnska 49/1, zg)
– Rockmark (Berislavićeva 9, zg)
– Dallas Music Shop Rijeka (Splitska 2)
– http://www.eventim.hr/hr/outlets/
Dallas Records (official page)
* The Number of Early Bird Tickets is LIMITED and sale goes to contingency sale or until 16.11.