Sufi's Life @Psychedelic Chilldown3, 01.04.2018.KC Lab

Sufi's Life @Psychedelic Chilldown3, 01.04.2018.KC Lab
Dr.Hempta 2, Novi Sad
Novi SadSrbija

Džungla vas sa ponosom obaveštava da nam ovog puta na nedeljni Chilldown dolazi jedan specijalan gost ! 😀

Za sve koji se prvi put susreću sa tim pojmom, Sufi’s Life (Altar Records) je projekat jednog od najpoznatijih domaćih autora ambijentalne i trance muzike, a čiji ste projekat Rezonant Sangoma Rec imali prilike da čujete na našem novogodišnjem okupljanju u Kanalu 9.

Prvog Aprila, ovaj čovek će vas poslati u 25. dimenziju za nekoliko sekundi, jer njegove trake, koje krase mnoge setove širom Planete, definitivno nisu sa ovog Sveta .

Još jedna poslastica za vaše uši i duh je svakako Acoustic Tree, projekat iza kojeg stoji Nenad Kecman, a sastoji se iz lajv nastupa, praćenog violom. Ko je bio na prethodnom Chilldown-u, imao je mali preview ovog sjajnog nastupa.

Ceo program počinje u 15h, sa tretmanom vibracijom, za koji vas molimo da se prijavite u inbox Jungle Island stranice, jer je broj mesta za ovaj deo programa ograničen. Tretmanu može prisustvovati prvih 15 ljudi koji se jave u inbox. (more info soon) > Aumkar Centar

Nakon što se prepustite magiji tibetanskih činija, muzički program će početi jednim ULTIMATE tribute setom, za koji će biti zadužen • Mita • (Zen.IT Galaxy Records), u kom ćete uživati uz zalazak sunca, na terasi trećeg sprata KC Laba.

Od 19h dešavanje prebacujemo u prizemlje, gde će vas, uz neke fine šamanske vibracije, Cosmic Lazanya dovesti do početka Sufis Life nastupa.


Što se kreativnih radionica tiče, kao i do sad, možete se okušati u nekim od ponudjenih zanimacija ili učestvovati u izradi dekora sa nama za predstojeće događaje.

– Dreamcatchers
– Mandala coloring
– Deco design
– Spray Paint
+ More to come

Učestvovanjem u radionicama dobijate priliku da osvojite karte za veće događaje, koje pravimo tokom cele godine.

Obezbedićemo sav neophodan materijal, ali savetujemo da ponesete sve što mislite da bi vam koristilo da se najbolje izrazite.

*Ananda ovog puta nije u mogućnosti da nam se pridruži, ali potrudićemo se i neku kul klopu da organizujemo 😀

Dođite da se družimo u Džungli! ♥


***** Upad na event je 150 RSD, kako bi se pokrili troškovi organizacije, a piće je i dalje po veoma friendly cenama. 🙂Jungle proudly informs you that this time to the weekly Chilldown comes a special guest! : D

Sufi’s Life (Altar Records) is the project of one of the most famous domestic authors of ambient and trance music, and whose project Rezonant Sangoma Rec you had the opportunity to hear at our New Year’s gathering in Channel 9 for everyone who first encounters this term.

On April 1, this man will send you to the 25th dimension in a few seconds, because his stripes, which are adorned by many sets throughout the Planet, are definitely not from this Council.

Another treat for your ears and ghost is certainly Acoustic Tree, the project behind which is Nenad Kecman, and consists of a lion of performance, followed by a violin. Who was on the previous Chilldown, he had a small preview of this great performance.

The whole program starts at 3 pm, with a vibration treatment, for which we ask you to login to the inbox Jungle Island site, because the number of places for this part of the program is limited. The first 15 people who are inbox can attend the treatment. (more info soon)> Aumkar Center

After you give yourself the magic of Tibetan bowls, the music program will start with one ULTIMATE tribute set, which will be in charge of • Mita • (Zen.IT Galaxy Records), where you will enjoy the sunset on the third floor of KC Laba.

From 19h, we are transferring the event to the ground floor, where, with some fine shamanic vibrations, Cosmic Lazanya will lead you to the beginning of the Sufis Life performances.


As far as creative workshops are concerned, as before, you can try out some of the offers offered or participate in making decor with us for upcoming events.

– Dreamcatchers
– Mandala coloring
– Deco design
– Spray Paint
+ More to come

By participating in workshops, you get the opportunity to win tickets for major events that we make throughout the year.

We will provide all the necessary material, but we advise you to bring everything you think would help you to make the best of it.

* Ananda is not able to join us this time, but we will also try a cool bench to organize: D

Come join us in Jungle! ♥


***** The incidence of the event is 150 RSD, to cover the costs of the organization, and the drink is still at very friendly prices. 🙂


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