[:en]Bird Phoenix 26.11.2017. National Theatre

[:en]Bird Phoenix 26.11.2017. National Theatre
Francuska 3, Beograd

Free entry for the Turkish national musical “Bird Phoenix“, November 26 at the “Rasa Plaović”

Within the framework of the “Balkan Tour”, under the auspices of the Presidency of the Republic of Turkey, a musical “Bird Phoenix” will be performed on Sunday, November 26, at the “Rasa Plaović” (08 pm) scene, and the entrance for all visitors is free.

The premiere was held on May 5 last year at the Istanbul Convention Center Halic and immediately after that, the musical was played ten times in a row in the EXPO exhibition in Antalya.

The “Balkan Tour” started in Greece, performing in Thessaloniki on November 19th, and except in Belgrade, the show will be featured in Skopje, Tirana, Sarajevo, Zagreb, Bucharest and finally, on December 3 in Sofia, where the tour will end .

The composition of the musical “Bird Phoenix” consists of 45 members of the choir, orchestra and dance ensemble of the Music Department of Turkish state television TRT, with the multimedia support of the new generation.

The conductor is Musa Gökmen, and screenwriter Siri Ali Talaj.

The aim of the project is to present the unique natural, historical and cultural values ​​of Turkey through art, which is also the most important means of communication, from the Balkan countries to the whole world.

The musical was inspired by the work of “The Language of Birds” by Iranian poet Feridun Atar from 1187.

The Phoenix Phoenix (or Simurg) symbolizes the way to an inner being, enlightenment, relief from fears and weaknesses, even readiness for non-existence in order to come to existence in the fullest sense.

Musical is a high-quality mix of traditional Turkish music, from songs from courts, rural turks, streams of ilahys to old lullabies and dances in the region from Central Asia to the Middle East, from the Balkans to the Caucasus.

In this work every viewer will be able to find a piece of himself, without feeling any division, either religious, ethnic or classical.


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