Dear friends,
we are happy to invite you to this year’s edition of the workshop of Afro-Brazilian culture. Our special guest this year is Contra-Mestre Gustávio (Gustávio Silva Pinheiro) from Goiás, Brazil, who will share with us on this occasion his experience and knowledge on Afro-Brazilian culture and customs. Activities are open to all levels, from beginners to advanced practitioners of different manifestations of this rich culture.
Introductory activity:
November 3rd, Sunday – Academy Capoeira Angola Belgrado, Takovska 45, II floor
– 16.00 – Lecture “History of Capoeira in Serbia, beginnings and development” with guests, pioneers of Capoeira in Serbia and a projection of photographs from the beginning of Capoeira in Serbia.
Entrance is free.
Program of the Festival:
November 5th, Tuesday – Academy Capoeira Angola Belgrado, Takovska 45, II floor
– 19.00-20.00 – Maculelê class (CM Gustávio) – registration is necessary
– 20.00-21:30 – free class of Capoeira Angola for adult beginners (Capoeira Angola Belgrado)
November 7th, Thursday – Academy Capoeira Angola Belgrado, Takovska 45, II floor
– 19.00-20.00 – Samba de Roda class (CM Gustávio) – registration is necessary
– 20.00-21:30 – free class of Capoeira Angola for adult beginners (Capoeira Angola Belgrado)
November 8th, Friday – Academy Capoeira Angola Belgrado, Takovska 45, II floor
– 19.00 – Opening Roda (for participants of the event, free for Capoeira teachers)
November 9th, Saturday – KUD Abrašević, Resavska 76, hall 2
– 11.00-14.00 – class and Roda (CM Gustávio)
– Lecture by CM Gustávio on Afro-Brazilian culture. Details (time and subject) to be published.
– 20.00 Brazilian Party, Kafebar 16, Cetinjska street number 16
November 10th, Sunday – KUD Abrašević, Resavska 76, hall 2
– 11.00-15.00 class and Roda (CM Gustávio)
– Party, Kafebar 16, Cetinjska street number 16
Participation for all activities during the week of the Festival is 60 EUR. Participation only on Friday, Saturday and Sunday is 50 EUR.
Participation per class:
Classes Maculelê and Samba de Roda are each 10 EUR.
Opening Roda is 10 EUR.
Saturday and Sunday are each 25 EUR.
******* Female leaders of groups (who teach Capoeira, have students, give classes of Capoeira, no matter the title) can participate in the event for free.********
*If you need a place to stay, get in touch with us since we have a limited capacity.
Read more about our special guest below.
⭐️Gustavio da Silva Pinheiro – Contra-Mestre Gustavio (Gunga)⭐️
He was born in Goiás in Brazil in 1978 where, as a child, he started to practice Capoeira Angola. He is a teacher of different forms of cultural expressions including Capoeira Angola, Samba de Roda, Maculelê, percussion and batucada giving classes to kids, adolescents and adults. He currently works in the Cultural Space Vila Esperança in Goiás for more than 17 years. He is a member of the Center of Capoeira Angola OuroVerde, being the first to be recognized as Contra-Mestre of the Center of Capoeira Angola OuroVerde by Mestra Tisza and Mestre Cabello from Serra Grande, Bahia, Brazil.
Capoeira Angola Belgrado
Capoeira Angola Novi Sad
UG Brazilsko ćoše