Radionica pripreme kolača i slatkiša
Kolača i slatkiša koji su zdraviji, hranljiviji, laki za pripremu, manje štetni za životnu sredinu.
Često odbijamo slatkiše jer su većim delom pripremljeni od nezdravih namirnica, ali ćemo na radionici pokazati da to ne mora biti tako.
Videćemo i koje su to zamene koje se koriste u pripremi zdravijih slatkiša, a da ne gubimo na kvalitetu, štaviše i da poboljšamo.
Radionicu vodi Janoš Baša, kuvar sa višegodišnjim iskustvom pripremanja biljne hrane u više restorana i keteringa, kao i na različitim dogadjajima.
Predvidjeno je da radionica traje dva ipo do tri sata.
Cena učešća je 2000din
Broj učesnika radionice je ograničen, zato se prijavite na vreme, u inbox stranice Holističkog centra „Smisao“, ili na brojeve telefona:
062 83 16 259
060 583 9993Workshop for preparation of cakes and sweets
Cakes and sweets that are healthier, nutritious, easy to prepare, less harmful to the environment.
We often refuse candy because they are mostly prepared from unhealthy foods, but we will show at the workshop that it does not have to be that way.
We will see and what are the substitutes used in the preparation of healthier sweets, without losing quality, and even improving.
The workshop is led by Janoš Baša, a cook with many years of experience in preparing vegetable food in several restaurants and catering establishments, as well as at various events.
It is anticipated that the workshop lasts two and a half to three hours.
Participation price is 2000din
The number of participants in the workshop is limited, so log in on time, in the inbox pages of the Holistic Center „Sense“, or on the phone numbers:
062 83 16 259
060 583 9993