The program includes works by Erik Sati, Philip Glas, Arvo Perth, Tomas de Hartman / Gurdjieff, Peter Bursac.
** info about the artist **
Nikola Kašaš, born in Zrenjanin in 1994 as a soloist for the piano, has been actively performing since 2014.
The audience had the opportunity to listen to him in Kikinda (Center for Fine and Applied Arts “Terra”, Cultural Center Kikinda), Zrenjanin (Cultural Center of Zrenjanin, Contemporary Gallery, National Museum, Zeleno Zvono Theater)
Novi Sad (festivals: Dunavska sonata, Pianocity, IZBA cafe), Belgrade (Art Gallery and Avantgarde Club “Polet”, Gallery “ŠTAB”, Cafe “Džezva”), Banja Luka (cafe “Žiža”, National and University Library Republic of Srpska) … etc
** Event info **
Free entry
Cara Urosa 19. Dzezva
Friday 05.01. at 19h
[:en]Christmas concert, Nikola Kašaš 05/01/2018. Džezva
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